Personal defense is definitely an issue these days but aside from carrying a weapon there are others areas that you can explore if you're a little hesitant about carrying a weapon on a daily basis. Being prepared can prevent you from becoming a victim of theft or worse yet a personal attack on you or a family member. We offer services that include SLED certified officers who are trained in defensive tactics that help keep our clients much safer.
So what can you do personally that will help improve your chances if you find yourself in a situation that calls for protection of you or your family? Know some defensive tactics Take a class that gives you some basic knowledge of what you can do or what to expect if you find yourself in a bad spot. Learning some basics will teach you the right mindset and possibly help save your life. Yes you should know some physical moves and yes you should practice those moves. I recently took a class with the family and we made a day of it. The family learned a great deal and we actually had fun doing something together that was very educational. Defensive tactics are not just performing physical moves it can include knowing what to do if you arrive at home and your house has been broken into. Do you go inside, do you wait outside the home, do you drive around the block and call the Police? Knowledge is power and knowing what to do in certain settings and situations can be life saving.? Know the most effective areas to hit if you are attacked: 1. Eyes--if you are able to reach the attackers eyes then poke/gouge/scratch at them viciously. This will cause severe pain and and should create an opportunity for escape. 2.Nose-if you can hit your attackers nose with the meaty palm of your hand in an upward motion with enough force you stand a chance as possibly breaking their nose and giving you a chance to escape. 3.Neck-if you can hit the attackers neck with the side of your hand hard enough you can cause some pain and possibly give you an opening to call for help or escape. 4. Knee-kick the side of the knee. This will cause extreme pain since the knee isn't designed to move from side to side. After kicking the knee make for your getaway. Do not hang around. Get to a safe place and call the police. 5.Groin areas- kick with all the force you can muster. DO not hold anything back so that you are sure to inflict the most pain possible. then immediately escape your attacker. Your knees, elbows, and head can be used to help defend yourself. Do not be afraid to use everyday objects, pen, rings, etc.. as weapons against your attackers. Take a class to learn more. Hopefully these tips will help you stay safe.
Over the next few weeks colleges all across the US will be accepting their incoming freshmen class, and for freshmen parents, safety is always a top concern. At Bravo1 Protection we have provided security services for a lot of college events, and have had to interfere with some pretty unfortunate situations. Here are some quick tips we recommend you review with your child BEFORE they go to school.
1. Always be aware of your surroundings. When walking on campus, make sure you are alert, OFF your phone and paying attention to what and who is around you. I cannot stress enough, walking to your dorm late at night is not the time to be texting your friend about an upcoming party. Stay on lite sidewalks and walk with a buddy whenever you can. Know where your campuses emergency call boxes are, and where security guards are usually stationed. If you ever feel that someone is following you, walk quickly to the nearest security guard and ask for an escort to your final destination. Consider carrying pepper spray as well, just make sure it's always accessible. 2. Lock your doors. Yes, you probably know everyone on your floor in the most intimate kind of way, but always look your dorm room door, and make sure your roommate does the same. 3. Don't go to parties by yourself. I CANNOT stress this one enough. Don't ever go to a party or stay at a party by yourself after your friends have left. Your friends need to have your back and encourage you to be safe. No matter how nice people at parties may seem, you just never know. If the party gets out of control, you see weapons or generally you feel unsafe, get your friends and leave. 4. Don't get inebriated. I know this one is hard, but it's the truth. When you are inebriated your senses are inhibited, and you will quickly find yourself in a situation that you can't control. Always make sure your friend group has a designated sober monitor who is watching everyone else and keeping an eye on things. 5. Get verbal consent. If you are voluntarily or involuntarily engaging in sexual activity, know that you should only take things further if your partner verbally says yes. Parents- please remind your guys that they need to ask for verbal permission, you can't assume that because a girl is taking off her shirt she is granting permission. Consent cannot legally be given if the person is intoxicated, under the influence or otherwise inhibited. Guys or girls, if you don't feel comfortable in a sexual situation, get up and leave before its too late, no matter what your partner says. Make sure any partner you get involved with is of legal age for consent (17 in SC). Is your child considering rushing for a fraternity or sorority? Next week we'll talk about questions to ask about the safety of your school's Greek organizations and clubs. |
AuthorTammy Johnson, our CEO and serial entrepreneur, has over 20 years of hospitality experience. She writes about how a business can benefit from hiring a private security company. Archives
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